Louis Dembitz Brandeis (/ˈbrændaɪs/; November 13, 1856 – October 5, 1941) was an American lawyer who served as an associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States from 1916 to 1939. Starting in 1890, he helped develop the "right to privacy" concept by writing a Harvard Law Review article of that title,[3] and was thereby credited by legal scholar Roscoe Pound as having accomplished "nothing less than adding a chapter to our law." He was a leading figure in the antitrust movement at the turn of the century, particularly in his resistance to the monopolization of the New England railroad and advice to Woodrow Wilson as a candidate. In his books, articles and speeches, including Other People's Money and How the Bankers Use It, and The Curse of Bigness, he criticized the power of large banks (BigMoney), money trusts, powerful corporations, monopolies, public corruption, and mass consumerism, all of which he felt were detrimental to American values and culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Brandeis
programs put in place by FDR to "end" the Great Depression in the USA. We think of it being mostly about a Safety Net, but it heavily involved market control. (more)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt[a] (January 30, 1882 – April 12, 1945), also known as FDR, was the 32nd president of the United States, serving from 1933 until his death in 1945. He is the longest-serving U.S. president, and the only one to have served more than two terms. His initial two terms were centered on combating the Great Depression, while his third and fourth saw him shift his focus to America's involvement in World War II. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt (more)
forcing a maximum time over which a person can hold elected office http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Term_limits_in_the_United_States (more)
John Cutler: TBM 237: Incompetence! I was reflecting on this research I did earlier in my career. As an experiment, two teams tracked where their time went for two weeks...really taking into account the nuances (timesheet) (more)
John Cutler: TBM 269: Three Organizational Design Principles. I have been thinking a lot about organization design lately and how it relates to how we collaborate and how managers/leaders collaborate. (more)
John Cutler: TBM 275: "Bad" Strategy. Why? Here are some things to consider. (more)
John Cutler: TBM 254: Self-Gaslighting and the Doubt Loop. Many of the dynamics we deal with at work are not overtly toxic or unhealthy. We know people mean well and do their best, even when nerves fray and things don't pan out. However, left unchecked, these situations (and how you respond to them) erode your sense of self-worth and sap your self-awareness. They can ultimately be even more damaging than acute toxic situations. (more)
John Cutler: TBM 330: (Un)common Sense Playbook. I remember listening to a podcast a few years ago featuring a Netflix engineering manager who described how he turned around a struggling team... The approach worked. The team (and the manager) turned things around... None of this sounds revolutionary (more)
Itamar Gilad: Why Did Airbnb Kill Product Management? The product-sphere is boiling-over over an interview with Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of AirBnB, in which he said that the company no longer has a product management function - PM has been merged with product-marketing-management (PMM). (more)
Charity Majors: “Founder Mode” and the Art of Mythmaking. Earlier this year I started writing a piece on why “hire great people and get out of their way” is such terrible, dangerous, counterproductive advice to give anyone in a leadership role. Then Paul Graham dropped his famous essay on “founder mode”, inspired by a talk given at a YC event by Brian Chesky. (more)
New Obesity Definition Shifts Focus From BMI. But the risk to health and wellbeing is not determined by weight – and therefore BMI – alone. We've been part of a global collaboration that has spent the past two years discussing how this should change. Today we publish how we think obesity should be defined and why. (more)
Zvi Mowshowitz: AI #91: Deep Thinking. Did DeepSeek effectively release an o1-preview clone within nine weeks?The benchmarks largely say yes. Certainly it is an actual attempt at a similar style of product, and is if anything more capable of solving AIME questions, and the way it shows its Chain of Thought is super cool. Beyond that, alas, we don’t have enough reports in from people using it. So it’s still too soon to tell. If it is fully legit, the implications seems important. (more)
Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley is an autobiography written by American tech entrepreneur Antonio Garcia Martinez.[1] The book likens Silicon Valley to the "Chaos Monkeys" of society. In the book, the author details his career experiences with launching a tech startup, selling it to Twitter, and working at Facebook from its pre-IPO stage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Monkeys
Chaos Monkey is a chaos engineering tool invented in 2011 by Netflix to test the resilience of its IT infrastructure.[13] It works by intentionally disabling computers in Netflix's production network to test how the remaining systems respond to the outage. Chaos Monkey is now part of a larger suite of tools called the Simian Army designed to simulate and test responses to various system failures and edge cases. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_engineering#Chaos_Monkey (more)
Johanna Rothman: Unemployed Agilists: How to Show Your Value to Support What Managers Want, Part 1. Every day, I hear more stories of agile coaches or Scrum Masters losing their jobs. (more)
Taylor Pearson on Ergodicity. (see also this) (more)
This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)
My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).
See Intro Page for space-related goals, status, etc.; or Wiki Node for more terse summary info.
Beware the War On The Net!
- head of product for an early-stage boot-strapped company
- founder FluxGarden for Digital Garden hosting
- wrote Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook Getting Things Done And Other Systems ASIN:B00HHJA5JS
My Coding for fun.
- Director Product Managment, NCSA Sports
- CTO/Product Manager at a series of startups: MedScape, then Axiom Legal, then Living Independently, then DailyLit, then AEP...
- founded Family Financial Future, personal-financial-planning nagware for parents
- consulting
- founded Teamflux.com, a hosting service for wiki-based collaboration spaces.
- founded Wikilogs.com, a hosting service for WikiLog-s (wiki-based weblogs).
Agile Product Development, Product Management from MVP to Product-Market Fit, Adding Product To Your Startup Team, Agility, Context, and Team Agency, (2022-10-12) Accidental Learnings of a Journeyman Product Manager
Oligarchy; Big Levers, Theory of Change, Change the World, (2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future; Network Enlightenment, Optimistic Near Future Vision; Huge Invention; Alternatives To A College Degree; Credit Crisis 2008; Economic Transition; Network Economy; Making A Living; Varieties Of Info Technology Jobs; Generative Schooling; Product Oriented Unschooling; Reality Hacker; A 20th Century Economic Theory
FluxGarden; Network Enlightenment Ecosystem; ThinkingTools Interaction as Medium; Hypermedia Pattern Language; Everyone Needs Their Own ThinkingSpace; Digital Garden; Virtual ThinkingSpace; Thinking Tools Companies; Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts; My CollaborationWare History; Wiki Proliferation; Portal Collaboration Roadmap; Wiki For GroupWare, Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration, Email Discussion Beside Wiki, Wiki For CollaborationWare, Collaboration Roadmap; Sister Sites; Wiki Hack
Personal Cloud; 2018-11-29-NextOpenInfrastructure, 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets; Stream/Flow Vs Garden/Stock
Social Warrens; Culture War; 2017-02-15-MindmapCultureWarSocialMediaEconomy; Cultural Pluralism
Fractally Generative Pattern Language, Small Tribe, SimplestThing, Becoming A Reality Hacker, Less-Bullshit Living, The Craft; Games To Play; Evolution, Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook, Getting Things Done, And Other Systems
Digital Therapeutics, (2021-05-26) Pondering a Mental Health space, CoachBot; Inside-Out Markov Chain